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Band Camp

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@ CVCHS Campus

Parent/Student Orientation

July 17, 6:30-8pm in Band Room


Band Camp Week 1

July 18-19,  9 am-8:30 pm


Band Camp Week 2

July 22-24, 26-27,  9 am-8:30 pm

(Six Flags Hurricane Harbor day on July 25, 11am-3pm)


Saturday, July 27:

Parent Booster Club Q&A- 5pm

End-of-Camp Performance- 6pm

Potluck in the Quad- 7pm

The Clayton Valley Marching Band and Color Guard program has a strong tradition of excellence tracing back decades. At Band Camp, you'll become part of that tradition! Band Camp marks the start of our fall season. Spend two weeks bonding with your fellow bandmates in sections, working on technique and learning fun music.  By the end of camp, you'll feel right at home as a member of the CV Marching Band!


*NEW THIS SEASON* Parent/Student Orientation Day on Wednesday, July 17, 6:30pm-8pm: this event is for both parents and students. Parents will meet with director for informational meeting while students meet with band leadership team. If for some reason you cannot make it this day, please email


*NEW THIS SEASON* Thursday, July 25, 11am-3pm: the band leadership team invites all Band camp attendees to Six Flags Hurricane Harbor for a fun bonding day. Please note- families will need to fill out and submit this PERMISSION FORM (will be distributed at Parent/Student Orientation) for students to attend. We will be meeting at the theme park that day, not at CVCHS. Transportation to and from event is the responsibility of each family. Lunch is the responsibility of each family so bring some money. Boosters will cover the expense of the entrance ticket.


We will be monitoring camp activities to ensure students are getting plenty of water breaks and time in the shade.


Students must bring own meals for camp. It is recommended that students avoid junk food (remember- marching band is very athletic!) Please plan accordingly.




  • Be on time and prepared. Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before the scheduled rehearsal time.

  • Be respectful of the equipment and the space you use. If you borrow an instrument from the school, treat it as you would your personal instrument.

  • Help clean up all spaces at the end of rehearsal blocks.

  • There will be time for fun and games, and time for focus and hard work.  Be respectful toward your instructional staff.

  • Have fun and be willing to meet new people! The people you meet at band camp may end up becoming your best friends!




  • Hat and sunglasses

  • Backpack

  • Sunscreen

  • Water (must be at least 32 oz; half-gallon recommended)

  • Wind players: Instrument in working condition, including mouthpiece/extra reeds.

  • A mechanical pencil and 3-ring binder with sheet protectors (instrumentalists only, not guard)

  • Lunch and dinner will be on your own- please plan accordingly (try to avoid lots of junk food!)

Color Guard: Please wear clothing you can stretch in. Your hair must be pulled back away from your face. No obtrusive jewelry.

All members: Please keep in mind that you will be moving all day. Dress in comfortable athletic clothing and running shoes. No jeans. No sandals/flip flops. 




Last Name starting with  

A-G: Appetizers/Salads

H-P: Main Dish

Q-Z: Desserts

Please drop off food items in Band Room before Potluck


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  • ​Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Increase water intake several days before camp and maintain it throughout. Bring water everywhere and refill your water jug frequently.  Camp RA's will keep coolers filled near the practice areas. Sports drinks that replenish electrolytes are favorites during hot days. Avoid energy drinks, coffee, soft drinks and others that contain caffeine, which accelerates dehydration.

  • Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before start of camp. Remember: If you arrive on time, you're late. If you arrive early, you're on time!

  • End time is when we are expected to end practice. Time will then be required for putting equipment away. The earliest that students will be available for pick up is 15 minutes after the stated end time. This is true for all of marching band season as well.

  • Do not skip meals and always have breakfast before coming to camp. Marching band is very physical and requries lots of energy. Students who skip meals tend to be the ones that get sick.  

  • Acclimate to heat. Practice is mainly outdoors, on asphalt or artificial turf, which absorbs heat. Start going for walks or other outdoor activities in early July to help with conditioning.

  • Get into camp routine asap! Beginning at least a week before camp, set your alarm to wake up early. Don’t wait until Day 1 of camp to learn how much time getting all your belongings takes, then arrive late, unprepared or unfed. Remember, you have to be early to be on-time!

  • Be open and ready for new experiences. Just because something is difficult the first time doing it does not mean you can't. Being in Marching Band requires a growth mindset. Our instructors and leadership students are here to help you!  Don't be afraid to ask questions!



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Clayton Valley Music Boosters is a 501c3 nonprofit (EIN 94-2519508). Donations are tax-deductible. Mail checks to Clayton Valley Charter Music Boosters: PO Box 541, Clayton, CA 94517

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